With a report of poor braking action, you would be well advised to divert to an alternate airport where the runways and taxiways are clear and there are no reports of adverse surface conditions. And further that: Ice, slush, and snow can turn your aircraft into a sled. Unless your airplane is equipped with skis, it is simply not designed to operate effectively on slippery surfaces. When the runway glistens… leave the airplane in the hangar.
True. After landing on snow and ice-covered runways, I’ve learned that a plane handles much like a car on slick surfaces, which is to say not very well. Keep the nose up for aerodynamic braking and use all available flight controls to maintain direction throughout the rollout. Forget nose-wheel steering and differential brakes. Crosswinds are a white knuckle adventure. So it was with interest that I reviewed this month’s issue of AOPA magazine (link here for members: “The Iceway is Open”) which extolled the wonders of landing on ice.
Over the years, there has been occasional conflict between the ice anglers and the ice aviators. In 2006, an airplane’s wing actually hit a bob house (an ice fishing shanty) that was too close to the runway. Now the bob houses are required to be at least 150 feet away from the runway. But the majority of the pedestrians on the ice near the airport welcome the airplanes. The big event that really draws both townsfolk and pilots is the winter festival. For one day in February, the ice is crowded with visitors eating local food, playing games, and watching the Alton Bay bed race (entries range from cribs to four-posters with prizes for style as well as speed). Last year the festival was on a day with perfect weather and the ramp was packed. More than 70 airplanes flew in.
And who doesn’t enjoy bed racing? Ice runway operations require that you plan for a long rollout. Expect the slickest runway when the ice looks deep blue or black from the air. A light dusting of snow actually helps with rolling resistance and shorter stops. Here’s how it’s done:
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